The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) offers another handy budgeting tool. The Federal Trade Commission’s budget worksheet There are also budget calculators to help you stick to your selected budgeting rule, like the 50/20/30 rule (which dictates that 50% of your budget goes to essential fixed and variable expenses, 20% goes to savings and debts, and 30% goes to the rest). If you have a Google account, you can access free templates covering weekly, monthly, and annual budgets. Google Sheets offers another budgeting method. If you have the Microsoft Office suite, you can access these Excel templates for free. There are even specialty templates, such as a personal monthly budget, a college budget, a home construction budget, and an event planning budget. These free budget templates are an easy way to get an overview of your cash flow (monthly expenses versus monthly income). Microsoft Excel isn’t all about complex formulas. The aim is to use tools that allow you to devote fewer hours to your money management. When it comes to budget templates, it’s best to keep them simple, and there are many user-friendly tools available to save you time and stress. Does this mean you need to master complex financial formulas? Not at all. The thought of creating a budget spreadsheet can be intimidating. 3 Budget Spreadsheet Templates to Get You Started